



  当您注册成为我们的会员或使用我们的游戏时,我们会读取您的个人资讯,包括GAME CENTER,设备ID,地点等信息,这些资讯我们是用来从事协助您的购买,记录道具,累计货币,信息传输等。





  3.游戏中会收集对局信息和结算信息,并上传到服务器。 这些信息将在排行榜或其他地方荣耀的展示给其他玩家。



  6. 自我保护措施:请妥善保护您的账号及密码或任何个人资料,不要将任何个人资料,提供给任何人,若您是与人共享设备,请您务必清除您的相关信息痕迹,以防您的个人信息泄露。




Privacy policy

To ensure that your personal data is kept confidential on the internet, your personal privacy is absolutely respected and protected. To help you understand how we collect, apply, and protect the personal information you provide, please read the privacy policy in detail.
I purpose of data collection
When you register as a member or use our game, we will read your personal information, including game center, device id, location, etc., which we use to assist you in purchasing, recording props, accumulating currency, information transmission, etc.
Ii. information - sharing
1. we will not sell or remove your personal identification data to any other group or individual, except in the following cases, we will use your personal data to a third party in accordance with this policy principle.
2. in order to provide you with more services or benefits, you need to share your information with other persons or companies that provide the services or benefits, and we will provide sufficient instructions at the event that you are free to choose whether to accept this particular service or benefit.
3. the game will collect game information and settlement information, and uploaded to the server. This information will be presented to other players honorably on the charts or elsewhere.
4. at the request of the judiciary, or if we find that your actions on the website are contrary to the law or social ethics, we will cooperate with the judiciary to provide relevant information to assist in the investigation on the basis of public safety considerations.
5. associated website: we provide links to other websites, may have their own different statements or use rules, etc., please be careful to understand, we do not protect the user's privacy in the website.
6. self - protection measures: please properly protect your account number and password or any personal data, do not provide any personal data to anyone, if you are sharing equipment with others, please be sure to remove your relevant information traces, in case of your personal information disclosure.
Iii. change of privacy statement
We will reserve the right to change and modify this privacy statement at any time, and any additional modifications will be published on our website and will take effect on the date of our announcement. if you do not agree to the modified agreement, you may uninstall our relevant software, and if you continue to use this software, you will by default be deemed to have agreed to the modified agreement.